Sunday, 19 July 2015

                          BRITISH COLUMBIA

Nanaimo 5th June 2015

When l was walking down a street this Raccoon came out from under a house.

Victoria  6th June 2015.

 A bush cut to look like a killer Whale and young just over the road from sea front marina.

Local transport comming into land sea planes are in constant use.

Haines, ALASKA  1st June 2015

The American Bald Eagle Foundation.

They rescue birds that have been injured and give them a good home.These are a few photos l took when l
spent the morning at the rescue centre.
                                                                Scottie The Bald Eagle.

                                                 Great Horned Owl.
                                               l love the face Karen is pulling.
                                             A tiny Merlin
copyright l.Lachance Saunders