Sunday, 20 November 2016

                          The Deer that live in Sussex.

                                 White Fallow Deer Buck.
            One year old spotted fallow Doe.
                 White one year old Buck.

                             Brown Fallow Deer.
           The sun was in the wrong place when l took photo.
                                Old King Red Stag.
                                         Red Deer.

                               Red Deer Hinds.
                                     Top Red Stag.

                                        Roe Deer

                                 Lone Red Stag three years old.

                                        Muntjac Deer.
   There are four differant colours of fallow Deer
                         Deer tend to keep under trees in the day.

                                Muntjac Deer the smallest deer

                        The White Fallow Buck.

copyright all photo's Larry Lachance Saunders wildlife.                     no cookies on this site.